During training, a certain someone whose name starts with "A" (not Annalyn, not Aaron, not Aswin) committed an extremely disgraceful and lowly act, almost a crime. He discovered that his 30-pound wooden bow could do more than just catapult arrows at hypnotic yellow circles.
Biding his time, he sat around waiting for potential victims to walk into his cleverly-laid trap. Hamtaro (name changed to protect identity) was unfortunate enough to become the first to be detected on his radar.
Immediately, he was up and on the prowl, with hormones surging through his veins. Creeping up to his prey, he slid his bottom bow limb under an unweary Hamtaro's skirt. Guised with a look of complete oblivion, he elevated his bow and lifted Hamtaro's skirt teasingly with it, venturing into the dangerous out-of-bounds.
ham: OEI.
a: *feigns deafness.
ham: OEI!!!!
[insert 10 minutes of angry allegations and feeble defence rebuttals]
ham: [clutches Jinglin's bottle of grape juice] ...I can't believe this!
lynette: [walks over] is it nice?
Checking back on the action, we see our resident pervert cowering against the fence.
a: I wasn't looking!!
aaron: ... he was just looking?!
aswin: I'm going to settle scores with you now, you #$&$*&%^(& !!!
[aswin and "a" scuttle to the side and started shoving each other around]
me: looks like they're gaying.
[bold exclaimation resounding from a distance....]
aswin: .. SCREW YOU LAH!!