Wednesday, May 23, 2007

so we're back all too soon

and school (and work ): ) begins again, for most of us at least. i guess sooner or later ongnardo or aaron or annalyn will do a detailed writeup of the flow of events as usual, but before that, i say <3s to all! because i know i've said it but i'd like to say it again: you guys are amazing - you make me laugh and smile and feel so thankful and loved. also, congrats to kim, chris (chris/marcus: btw we solved the mystery of the missing ace of spades), jinglin, mingwei, annalyn's team, everybody for braving the rain and wind and cold and earthworms o.O

thank you ken

and hope you like the present, daryl? :P

team RAFFLES! (:

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Archery Handover 2007

A great year of serving with a great ending and a new start.

Saturday, May 05, 2007

Representing our Nation

Archers in their new jerseys with our Singapore flag.

Pics of some of the winning teams.

The dream team...

Thursday, May 03, 2007

rj SPA treatment


Chris Lee just sent me this link:! It's the pics he took this Wednesday.. Check em out! (:

Password is: rjc spa treatment

he took them with a point-and-shoot and did the editing (quote) 'anihow wan'.. lol.. n so he says to let him know if the pics look weird!


