Monday, September 03, 2007
Monday, August 13, 2007
Friday, July 06, 2007
Most Fun Trip To Singapore

We first headed to the arcade. There, i saw the quietest arcade i've ever seen. probably becasue we went there at 11am. We played stuff and had lots of fun. My favourite is air hockey. Here is a picture of us having lots of fun (taken after lunch at Lhong Gang Silvers when we went to arcade again):

After monring arcading was BEACH VOLLY BALL at sentosa beach. Below is picture. The sand was very hard so my feet were blistered. but it was well wurth the fun. I think sand hard becasue indonesia stop selling sand to singaporre, and singaporre small so not enough sand, so Kuo Ming Tan led by new Gordon Brown must glue the sand together - thus hardness.
Sentosa beach was quieter than we expected. There were no chio bu like in the beaches elsewhere. Even wan chai market and kowloon slumps has more chio bu. but I liked it becasue not many people and air cleaner than hong kong.

After eveything at Vivo City in Sentosa, we took SBS to Yong Jing's house nearby. To describe, it is hong kong equivalent of rickshaw.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007
so we're back all too soon
Sunday, May 13, 2007
Saturday, May 05, 2007
Thursday, May 03, 2007
rj SPA treatment
Chris Lee just sent me this link: http://admphotography.smugmug.com/gallery/2792232#148929710! It's the pics he took this Wednesday.. Check em out! (:
Password is: rjc spa treatment
he took them with a point-and-shoot and did the editing (quote) 'anihow wan'.. lol.. n so he says to let him know if the pics look weird!
Friday, April 27, 2007
Upcoming competition for the J1s
Here's a competition that's gonna be held in June right here in Singapore.

Monday, April 23, 2007
Pictures (Finally)
the words in bold sorta make up for the otherwise rather crappy article - in terms of some of the ?!? info i mean (but well, it wasn't the reporter's fault i guess)
The Straits Times
April 23, 2007
New range a boost for archers
By Hoe Pei Shan
SINGAPORE'S archers have set their sights on one gold, two silver and two bronze medals at November's South-east Asia Games.
Said Archery Association of Singapore vice-president Wong Loong Tat: 'I am not going to promise two golds, but we will try very hard to reach our target this time.'
At the last Games in 2005, the archers promised two golds but delivered only one bronze.
The reasons for this new-found confidence: a new home, a new coach and fresh talent.
Yesterday, the national archery range at Zhenghua which, at 190m by 140m, is Singapore's biggest, was officially opened.
The $80,000 facility will be a centralised training venue for national archers. It will also host the inaugural South-east Asian Archery Federation Junior Championships from May 2-6.
Members of the public can also shoot there annually for $25. Student membership costs $18.
This will help 'develop high-performance athletes while also building up mass participation in the sport', said Mr Michael Palmer, an MP for Pasir Ris-Punggol GRC.
He is adviser to the Archery Association of Singapore.
Although it will take up to six months before the facility is fully operational, the Zhenghua range signals a change for the better.
The previous national range at Portsdown Road, in use since the 1970s, was torn down in 2003 to make way for a new road linking Queensway to the Ayer Rajah Expressway.
The national team spent four years shooting from a basketball court into a school field at the old Upper Serangoon Secondary School.
Said Henry Ong, a silver medallist at the South-east Asian Championships in February: 'The new national range is about four times bigger than the Serangoon range, and we are able to shoot from Olympic distances of 90m in a straight field.
'The ground here is also flatter, which is preferable.'
The end of their nomadic existence is good news for Korean Choi Mi Jin and her charges.
Choi, a gold medallist at the 1996 Asian Championships, was appointed the national coach last year.
The AAS turned to South Korea in its search for a coach as the country has produced numerous world and Olympic champions since the 1984 Los Angeles Games.
And, with Choi at the helm, the juniors have shown marked improvement.
In yesterday's qualifiers for the SEAAFJC, the top scorers were close to 90 per cent on target.
Christopher Han, 18, shot 796 out of a total of 900 points to top the men's junior recurve.
Compound archer Tan Ken Li, 17, shot 849 points to emerge the overall top junior.
And Valerie Tan, 14, was second overall and first in the girls' recurve with 821 points.
With these young talents, it is no wonder the AAS is confident it can deliver at the SEA Games.
With a beginner-level bow costing about $450 and arrows costing $10 each, Mr Palmer noted that 'archery is a good sport for Singaporeans'.
'It is not prohibitively expensive and is skill-based, which means that it does not rely on size and strength,' he explained.
'It's not a very specialised sport in terms of facilities required, and can be practised pretty much anywhere that has a field.'
well done j2s + daryl! :D
pwn them all at seaafjc!
Saturday, April 21, 2007
Sunday, April 01, 2007
Thursday, March 15, 2007
an add-on to NUS outdoor
haha a small little add-on to mr owa's post who left out a lot of impt MaNs.
great job too to the standard men Khairul Rusydi, Lim Fang Kang and Wee Wei Liang Dylan for coming down MaN early in the morning and shooting even with the CTs n all, and for staying to watch some of the C class ppl poke holes in the middle of the 50m target face.
congrats to Tan Kang Rui for his first compound shoot, and may his scores jump astronomically in the next one :D
great job also to the girlz (alanine, [specimen] and dylan's gay partner) from RJ-A, and i believe their seedings and CHAMPion medals were due to much more than destiny :P and thanks too for making noise on request in our last end v PPCC lol
let us also not forget Chong Jia Hao, a member of our dear RJ-AlUmNi, who shot in the same lane as the jambiMan and got his team silver medal with PPCC
and on a side note, thanks to all the j2s + faciliators + j1s + rj-alumni ppl who dropped by for making the past 3 days such an enjoyable time! :D
gd luck and gd mugging to all the j2s! dun shoot all X for CTs pls :P
Monday, March 12, 2007
NUS Outdoor Open 2007
Ok enough about the open house and we shall move on straight to the great competition in the great open fields if the NUS University of Singapore where the nearest toilet is like 400m away. First things first was to check out the GooDie Bag. Inside theres one MaMee, one newater, one packet of cheese rings, some eff magazine and $20 beauty voucher (wad the man). Waah , all the stuff above dam cheapskate… well except for the last one which is A SHIRT. Wow, for the first time ever, there is finally a shirt in the goodie bag which we have been waiting for the past 7 competitions at least to no avail. The shirt design is a bit the screwed up anyway with a small NUS indoor logo and a back full of sponsors. Some history about the competition as well – NUS and NTU, the 2 great universities in Singapore will take turns to organize the outdoor open shoot every year and the Inter Varsity Polytechnics. For this year, NTU is organizing the IVP while NUS organizes this outdoor open competition. Seems that there is an agreement between these 2 great universities.
The Standard Men were simply ending off their final shots when we came and it was the usual set-up bow and relax, talk kok as we wait for our round to start. Apparently the lunch today came form the same caterer as that of NUS indoor last year with the same trays, same rice, same fish, same chicken etc. The list seems endless. Aiya its just the same la. NUS got no variety. Not such a great university after all.
Stop crapping around and we shall go straight to the shooting itself. The first round was the great 50m 122cm face round. Things went by rather fast. Personally was a little shaky at the start( literally) but in the end was quite ok as the earthquake ceased, so not that effed. Finally can shoot with the mind straight during a competition though I shot too many 7s for comfort. The rest seemed to do fine for the 50m as well with rather ok scores and no one really MaN screw up. Quite zai.
Then came the great 30m 80cm face round and of course it is much easier to man the yellow from a nearer distance. The round somehow went by very fast as well. Some people angst that their 50m better than their 30m while the rest angst that their 50m too suck compared to their 30m. Kangrui also performed quite well for his first competition even though he is angsting. Aiya no point angsting la, the boring individual rounds are over and now it is time for something more exciting which is the great TeaM EvenT.
The teams and seedings are as follows:
Round 1
RJC - HELIX – Ongnardo (Inferno), Christopher(Black), Aaron(Gold), seeded 5th going against NTU.
RJC – BOYS – Si Rui ( MaTriX), Aswin ( Black Masters), Marcus ( White Masters), seeded 6th , going against Ngee Ann Poly.
RJC – A (Masters/Exco) – Annalyn ( White), Natalie ( Black), Hwee Juin (Red) seeded 2nd going against NTU.
RJC-HELIX had quite an interesting round. The first end both teams suck, after which we seemed to be equal a for the next 2 ends and at the last end we got a little higher than them. They also got quite a MAN score however. In the end, RJC – HELIX beat NTU by a grand total of 1 point in a moment that can be best characterized as “Cheers”.
RJC- BOYS had an easier time anyway as the totally PwNed the Ngee Ann poly team easily even though they are higher in terms of seeding with a very comfortable margin of 10+ points. It seems that RJC – BOYS simply just on fire and owned them.
RJC – A. Nothing much la. Pwned NTU without much effort. They can miss 2 and still get through. Theirs was straight finals somemore.
Round 2
RJC – Helix vs. Singapore Poly
RJC – Boys vs. PPCC – Boys
RJC – Helix now faces the toughest challenge as they face up with the top seed team that includes the individual champion De Rong. Their individual scores pwnz ours but in the team event somehow things went our way as we shot normally while they went off-form. It was quite a quick and simple match and beat them by 8pts.
RJC – Boys on the other hand had a harder time as PPCC was on fire that round and shot a MaNly unbeatable score and our boys lost to their boys ( including that jiahao) by quite a lot of points.
RJC – Helix vs. PPCC Boys
RJC – Boys vs. Singapore Poly
RJC – A vs. NUS
RJC Helix now faces the task of vendetta for knocking our boys out. Haiya wasted, if not could have been an all-RJ final and we can simply lalala and eff around. Well, was not really meant to be and in the end we face these boys instead. The first end totally pwned. And so in the 2nd end gave some mercy by shooting an M in the first arrow but somehow the rest average 9. Somehow the ppcc boys didn’t perform too well and won quite easily. Anticlimax, however, this proves that the HOYT HELIX is the BesT riser.
RJC Boys on the other hand face an angsty SP team who were the top seeds. They really shot lyk MaN and beat our boys as they shot 200+. Well, in conlusion the RJ Mens team event ws really an underdog story as we were seeded 5th and 6th only which was quite suck and yet managed to beat the top 4 seeds collectively. Great Job!
RJC – A. Nothing much again la. Somehow the girls just win lor. Destiny perhaps.
Well that somehow concludes everything. Quickly had a prize presentation before the sun sets and quickly packed up to go to Jurong East LJS for a much needed dinner after staying under the lan diao sun for hours.
Anyway here are the prize winners:
C Class Ladies 4th – Wee Jian-Ting Natalie
C Class Team Event Ladies 1st – RJC – A. Annalyn Ng Li-Ting, Lee Hwee Juin, Wee Jian-Ting Natalie.
C Class Team Event Mens 1st - RJC – HELIX. Ongnardo Wirateja Andreas, Han Ting Hui Christopher, Tan Jian Hua Aaron.
C Class Team Event Mens 4th - RJC – Boys. Teo Si Rui, Kothandaramaraju Aswin, Marcus Neo Ji Kwang.
We would like to thank:
HOYT USA for making such a GREAT riser known as THE HELIX.
Our coach Ken Ang for all the guidance
Tan Meiling Heidi, Tay Bing Wei, Daniel Seow Wei Jin and Brenda for coming to support.
Random RJ people who somehow dropped by from the open house.
And anyone else who was somehow left out here.
hello hello,
and finally, to all the j2s, all the very very bestest for the cts! study hard for them, but even if you don't ace them, don't worry! (cos i totally didn't haha, but anyways) just use this as an opportunity to consolidate everything you've learned so far.
so.. seeya all at camp! (:
p/s WELCOME HOME kimkendaryl!!! you have all been dearly missed.
Sunday, February 25, 2007
AAS Outdoor 2007
Some brief history regarding the first ever AAS Outdoor Championships. This competition was originally slated to happen on the 27th of December but due to the planned and anticipated climatic shifts as predicted with AAS’ high precision X8763 weather satellite, they have decided to postpone AAS Outdoor to another day which according to the X8763 would be a clear one. And thus explains the date of the shoot. (Actually it didn’t freaking rain AT ALL during those days).Day 1 ended with both standard competitors from RJC clinching the first position in the man and women's categories respectively. Many didnt attend as there was the great Scholastic Assessment Tests to do. However, great job! Owned the rest by a huge margin.
Day 2 started and it started out rainy… However, with the M8000, the ultimate weather controlling satellite just located beside the X8763, the weather instantly shifted from a rainy one to a somewhat cloudy one. Actually why the hell would you need to predict the weather when you can actually control it? Nevermind that, lets continue with the day…
The round that we shall shoot in today is known as the great FITA 900 where you shoot 30 arrows each at 60m, 50m and 40m. It is some format introduced by Federation Internationale de Tir A’larc to somehow make us shoot longer distances. All the faces used are the chio ones [jkjk 122cm].
The shooting then commences with the GL 60m. It seems that they decided to do away with any forms of randomization as somehow me Chris and Marcus are in the same board. We can gl around all X if we wanted to but as Rafflesians with a high sense of integrity, we decided not to.
The rounds soon started without any glitches. The 60m is rather eff since this is perhaps the first and last time we shall shoot this GL distance. Nothing much, just a comment that the competition went on quite fast and was very smooth in terms of execution. The rounds proceeded very fast and the screw ups surfaced such as the limb inversion by Si Rui and the wrist cramp by me. The place was very big and somehow can see everyone. It seems that the girls always shoot much faster LolZ.
Lunchtime… the menu today is some red coloured rice with random picked vegetables with chicken and an overdose of curry. Its not even curry, its some random spice mix.
“The food served will be muslim food, this way it would be easier for the organizers”
-AAS Outdoor 07 Circular
Much of it goes to waste though.
Team event was in the afternoon. It seems that RJ – POWER will go against NP while RJ – WOOOOO will sit and watch and play with the winner for the guys. On the other side, erm forgot liao. However, in the end the 2 girls teams from RJ simply met each other in 3rd 4th placing match and RJ- LeMoN won. Yep tts abt it. On the guys side somehow NP managed to win. Dotz..
That probably concludes the entire dasy. Everything was rather rushed, even the prize presentation is like one of the most efficient ones that I have ever seen LoLz. Here are the prize winners:
Standard Novice Man 1st – Tan Kang Rui
Standard Novice Ladies 1st – Charissa Yong
Recurve Junior Man 1st – Christopher Han
Recurve Junior Man Team 2nd – Christopher Han, Ongnardo, Marcus Neo
Recurve Junior Man Team 3rd – K Aswin, Aaron Tan, Teo Si Rui
Recurve Junior Ladies Team 1st – Kimberly Ng, Pan Jinglin
Recurve Junior Ladies Team 3rd – Lynette Chua, Tan Mingwei, Natalie Wee
Recurve Junior Ladies Team 4th – Lee Hwee Juin, Annalyn Ng, Ang Mann Shing
After that was the Marche dinner yeah. Bombed quite a bit of money there for the stupid beer and yep, met up with some old J3s and played a skrued up game of I never and so that concludes the day.
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Saturday, February 10, 2007
Saturday, February 03, 2007
Saturday, January 20, 2007
Thursday, January 18, 2007
Monday, January 15, 2007
Saturday, January 13, 2007
Sembawang Day 1
We went to Sembawang CC..
and waited...
and waited... ...
and waited... ... ...
and waited... ... ... ...
and waited... ... ... ... ...
and waited... ... ... ... ... ...
and waited... ... ... ... ... ... ...
and waited... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
and waited... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
and waited... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
and waited... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
and waited... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
and waited... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
and waited... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
then shot 36 arrows, pack up, gohhome
Sunday, January 07, 2007