I am Chia Rui Ming. I live and work in Hong Kong for my life. As work is very very busy, i have little time to relax, and when i do, i make sure i make the most out of it. That's why i chose to visit Singaporre's clean air Sentosa island last Sunday. This is about my trip to Sentosa.
I arrived at appointed meeting time of 930am at harborfront MRT. I was supposed to meet tour group and tour guide Mr. As Wing there n then. very soon i was given a cultural lesson of the Singaporre people. It is called "Chinese Wedding Culture". In Singapore, planned and real meeting time have wide difference - and this applies to non-chinese in Singapore too.
At 1045am, the tour group, which (although supposed to be 20+ people including As Wing) make up only Hap, wenxian, shanhui & kangrui. Apparrently hab planned the tour. So much for free tour guide As Wing who didn't turn up. But free so cannot complain. Here is a picture of us. Clearly, the photographer is total noob and kangrui dont know how to look sad when he is. (and the rest of us are) Both of them are Singaporreeans.

We then walked to Sentosa and headed into Vivo City. It was a small city in Sentosa. It reminded me of Hong Kong Kowloon "Walled City" slumps because of its small size, low celling and crowdedness. However i prefer kowloon slumps because the people were warmer.
We first headed to the arcade. There, i saw the quietest arcade i've ever seen. probably becasue we went there at 11am. We played stuff and had lots of fun. My favourite is air hockey. Here is a picture of us having lots of fun (taken after lunch at Lhong Gang Silvers when we went to arcade again):

Note that new person is in picture. He is Dylan The Man The Champ. that is nice name to have in Singaporre, i heard. Not in the pic but also around are Yong Jing and Jeremeey. Yong Jing was kind Singaporean and treated us to many air hockey games.
After monring arcading was BEACH VOLLY BALL at sentosa beach. Below is picture. The sand was very hard so my feet were blistered. but it was well wurth the fun. I think sand hard becasue indonesia stop selling sand to singaporre, and singaporre small so not enough sand, so Kuo Ming Tan led by new Gordon Brown must glue the sand together - thus hardness.

Sentosa beach was quieter than we expected. There were no chio bu like in the beaches elsewhere. Even wan chai market and kowloon slumps has more chio bu. but I liked it becasue not many people and air cleaner than hong kong.

Over here we are wet after 20-30min of play. Dylan took the picture. We think we are "happening" so we take a picture of our happening.
After eveything at Vivo City in Sentosa, we took SBS to Yong Jing's house nearby. To describe, it is hong kong equivalent of rickshaw.
At his place, i went up to his place. His house very nice! 1600sq ft and with nice harbor view. In hong kong this would be 3million USD, and to see victoria harbor u must live at the edge of the land, or else air polloution block your view. here it is less and you can see Sentosa Island, home of Vivo City. the view from his 28th floor place:
after that we spent most of our time playing table tennis and billards. Yong Jing was extremely good in Table Tennis. I only managed to "Own" him 5% of the time. Here is a picture of my Ownership:
I got quite bored after table tennis and a little billards, so we left of from there.
Overall the trip to Singaporre was fun (y). But it would be most fun if more tour group came, and if i get to see bigger sea and real sand that the one at sentosa. Maybe another time when i am free again. now i must go back to work.
See you again! Next trip will be Singaporre again. Thanks for your read.
P.S. my tour group friend Hap say she blog on another blog. i saw the pictures. they very good. please do patronise her. u will need blogger ID and password to log into
www.blogger.com and read/edit. please get these details from Yahu group's. Thanks
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